Finally for download a high res of my Wrestlemania 13 custom cover.
*You will need to search the custom cover section*
Alright everybody, after a few hours of tinkering around and getting some things straight, the forum is back up and running and EVERYTHING is restored from the moment we went down.
I've turned off the forum as Ben and I have just a few changes to make before we are opening her up again.
I would like to say though that Steve -- if you were going to lie to us and say that it was all about your lack of money, you really shouldn't have posted that stuff you did in the shoutbox. Probably not your brightest move. tongue.gif
But I digress because the relevance of those petty arguments has dwindled increasingly since we went down. THIS TIME it's about building OUR WCF back up. dribble.gif
We will once again be THE forum on the internet where everyone wants to come. To those who say nay - fuck you. To those who support us - we are with you all the way and look forward to joining you on the new WCF with new features, new members, new COVERS, and everything else we've grown to love.
WCF 2.0 IS COMING!!!!!!!!