Saturday, December 26, 2009

Survivor Series 1987 WIP


This was the original idea for the front, but the images were a little tricky so I didn't go with it. Maybe some day I might though.

Survivor Series 2009 WIP



This was one of the few covers I planned to do for the 2009 Survivor Series, but due to time I just couldn't finish it. I know one day I will finish this one. You can sort of tell I was going for that Survivor Series 1990 look.

WCW Halloween Havoc 1991 WIP


Heres a way early look of a cover that never did get finish, some day I do plan on doing this cover just because I think that poster is sweet.

Wrestlemania 7 custom

wrestlemania 7

Another one of my favorite covers. Its a full blown Wrestlemania 7 custom cover.