Monday, August 10, 2009

Update on being "delayed"

Yes I am somewhat still "delayed" making covers, because of the fact that PSDprotocol is still lacking alot of its PSD's, but they are working hard, so hopefully in due time the needed PSD's will be on their site for use.

But in the mean time I'm some what working on the building stages or like templates of the Summerslam covers, hence why all thats shown is the background/font/logo thats about it.

So its not that I cant work on covers, its just that I need to work around and build around the PSD's that wont be there for a while.

WIP: Summerslam 09 v2 retro


Updated showing off the logos.

WIP: Summerslam 09 v3 retro


And another updated look, now as you can see the background has been added, wasn't all as easy at it looks.

Also a little something, is this WIP of the v3 Summerslam 09 cover will only be shown off here, of course until its finished, then it will be shown on the WCF.

WIP: Summerslam 09 v3 retro


An updated looked of the v3 cover.