Saturday, October 31, 2009

Great News...

Some good news, I have finally got a new scanner, will be uploading many scans and doing some psd's. And of course will finally have whats needed scanned for the covers I've been wanting to do.

So look forward to some covers in the near future.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My new cover: WWE Bragging Rights 2009


I did the cover in only 1 day, working like non stop on it. Anyway was meant to look like a classic 70s/80s wrestling poster (match card poster).

I think it might be one of my best covers to date. And I hope they only get better.

The full cover can be found on the WCF site. Click here to go to the WCF site Click Here

WIP's of this cover will be posted at a later date.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Current projects..

Working on a CM Punk vs Jeff Hardy cover that someone requested, and will be working on a Royal Rumble 88 cover very soon.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Looks like I might end up not doing a HIAC cover due to still not being able to get photoshop to work. So hopefully some time next week I'll reformatt my pc and get photoshop up and going, and be back to making some covers.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Happy Birthday to me

Turned 26 today, lol getting old...But got my best gifts ever, NBA2k10, a new 360 & a new laptop as my 3 birthday gifts....Now if I could just get photoshop to work I'd be all set lol.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Update: Starrcade

Yep thats right coming soon, Starrcade.

Not going to say which one will be made first or when I'll be starting, but that in the near future I will be doing Starrcade custom covers from 1983-1987 at least.


I still plan on doing some Starrcade covers, just to update I will be releasing at least one this fall, I'd like to say in December around the Starrcade time of the year.

******NEW UPDATE 12/30/2009********

These are being put on hold, but yes I will still do these covers, they are on hold right now because of lack of content to make the covers.

Update: OK some better news...

Well I was planning on taking a break, but I think I've changed my mind. I did have my PC crash the other day and had to have everything recovered, thus photoshop wont work, have already uninstalled it and reinstalled it and it still wont work right, so I'll keep playing around with that, if it wont work at all I'll have to reformatt my pc. That of course sucks but I'll just need to save a few things to dvd and it wont be much of a problem, PC needs it anyway.

So I do plan on doing a HIAC cover, and plan on doing a Bragging Rights cover, along with a couple of Survivor Series covers.

And I do still have alot of wip's to show off, they will all be shown in due time.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Update: taking a break

Just letting people know I am taking a break from cover making for the rest of the month, and will get back to making covers in November, when I make a couple Survivor Series covers.