Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My first award winning cover: Summerslam 2009

I finally won my first WCF award, the EOTM for most official cover for Summerslam 2009. Topping that off I was the first ever co-winner along side Rated R. Hopefully I can only get better on route to finally winning a COTM award.

You can check out my cover and the other winners here WCF cover of the month winners

Monday, September 14, 2009

New cover finished

Just finished my Breaking Point custom cover, its been released on the WCF site. I will in the future be showing WIP's of it as I have many to show. But until then the cover will only be shown on the WCF site.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Summerslam 09 WIP's








Heres quite a few WIP's of one of my Summerslam 09 retros

Another update

As said about a week ago, I was going to be showing off a bunch of Summerslam WIP's. Well that is still going to happen, I just had a set back, due to losing internet for about a week.

Some good news is during that time I would say I added about 25+ WIP's to the already 25+ WIP's I already had. So look forward to many previews coming soon.

Also, I made some videos as well, which I'll be uploading to youtube soon, and I'll post those here.

WWE Summerslam 2009 custom cover


Just finished this cover late last night. it is the only custom cover for Summerslam i am going to be releasing, on top of the 5 retro's I have already finished and released, on the WCF site.